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The First Eggs from Our Hens

January 26th, 2023

We collected the first egg this week! Since our hens are just starting to lay eggs, we’re only collecting about one per day. Eventually, each of our hens will be able to produce an egg every 24-26 hours. Curious where all of these eggs will go? Our Vegetable Share members! Starting in March, our Vegetable Share members will be able to add eggs as one of the items in their shares. The Vegetable Share program is an exclusive benefit for our Harvest Green residents that allows them to receive a customizable bag of certified organic produce from the farm each week. Each share includes free home delivery and is a great way to eat your way through the seasons. To learn more and sign up for your own share, head here!

If you’ve been mulling over a visit to the farm, we have two opportunities for you this weekend! On Saturday (January 28th) during our weekly farmers market, we’ll be teaching a build-your-own bird feeder activity. This will take place from 10am-noon during the market and is free of charge and open to the public while supplies last. A big shout-out to Clean Juice for donating some of their plastic bottles that we’ll be upcycling into bird feeders! On Sunday (January 29th) at 1:30pm, we’ll be leading our next Meet the Farm Tour. Our tours are a great way to see the changes on our organic farm throughout the year so you are welcome and encouraged to attend more than once! Our tours are open to the public and free of charge, we just ask that you sign up here beforehand.

Did you know that daylight hours are just as important to a plant’s growth as temperatures are? The decreased daylight hours that we receive this time of year cause our winter crops to respond by growing more slowly. While we don’t have a new veggie harvested for you this week, we have a lot of crops just over the horizon! In the meantime, we encourage you to try all of the delicious organic veggies currently coming out of the field like our super sweet carrots and Brussels sprouts.

Upcoming Events:

  • Farmers Market on Saturday, January 28th from 9am-1pm

  • Meet the Farm Tour on Sunday, January 29th at 1:30pm (reserve your spot here!)

Currently in Season at the Farm Stand: Carrots, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Lettuce, Collard Greens, Napa cabbage, Scallions, Watermelon Radishes, Cilantro, and Parsley.


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