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Farm Tours and a New Flock

SEPTEMBER 13th, 2022

We are excited to announce that our first “Meet the Farm” Tour is coming up on Sunday, September 25th at 1:30pm! These tours will provide attendees with a first-hand look at what year-round farming looks like at The Village Farm. Our Farm Educators will lead you on a walk through the farm that includes tasting samples and a visit with our resident goats and chickens. These tours will be a monthly occurrence so that you can see what it takes to keep the farm running throughout all four seasons. These tours are free of charge and are open to the public. Please sign up for one here if you plan on attending!

Please join us in welcoming a brand new flock of chicks to the farm! We have 23 3-week-old female pullets (i.e. young hens) taking up residence in our coop. We have a mix of several different breeds including Barred Rock, Cuckoo Maran, Ameraucana, and Rhode Island Red. Though their eventual role on the farm will include egg production, for now they’re serving as a source of both entertainment and education! We’ll be sharing frequent updates on them from now until they begin to lay eggs at around 18-22 weeks old. While you are more than welcome to look in on them from the window in the coop, we ask that you do not feed them.

As we’ve been sharing over the past couple of weeks, we’re busy with preparing the farm for the fall season. We’d be lying if we didn’t admit that we are really excited for the shift in seasons and in crops! We currently have 13 standard and 2 HVF rows prepared and ready for fall planting. Most of what we’ll be planting is in the extensive brassica family like kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. This first succession of fall crops will hopefully yield an October harvest of kale, chard, and mustard greens. As for our HVF crops, we'll have arugula and radishes available for you in the next week or two!

Currently in Season at the Farm Stand: Sweet and Hot Peppers, Cucumbers, Italian and Asian Eggplants, Long Beans, Zucchini, Tromboncino Squash, Okra, Roselle Greens, Sweet Potato Greens, Malabar Spinach, Bitter Melon, and Basil.

Upcoming Events:

  • Meet the Farm Tour on Sunday, September 25th at 1:30pm (sign up here)

  • Growing Your Green Thumb: Backyard Gardening Basics on Saturday, October 15th at 10am

  • Farm Club Pizza Night on Friday, October 21st at 6pm (for current Farm Club members only)


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