Bidding Farewell to Tomato Season

And just like that, we’ve reached the end of tomato season! We hope you’ve been enjoying them as much as we have. We will have a limited amount of tomatoes for you this week at the farm stand so make sure to take advantage while you can. As much as we’d love to push their season further into the summer, it’s just too hot for our plants to continue pollinating and setting fruit. Overall, tomato plants aren’t as productive once high temperatures are regularly above 90 degrees.

Even though tomato season is ending, there are several other crops that are thriving! We’re currently harvesting an abundance of Armenian cucumbers, okra, eggplants, peppers, and Korean melons (pictured below). Have you had a chance to try our Korean melons yet? Both the flesh and the skin of these melons is edible and has a crisp texture with a moderately sweet, almost apple-like flavor. We highly recommend juicing them with cucumbers and mint for a refreshing and hydrating summer drink!

We’ll be harvesting something new for you in the next couple of weeks: tromboncino squash! The tromboncino (pictured below) is long and thin with a bulbous appearance on the blossom end. Since the seeds are concentrated at the base of the squash, the long neck is supposed to be denser and less watery which leads to a more complex nutty flavor. So far we’re loving this variety because it seems more heat tolerant than our zucchini. And, since it has a solid stem rather than a hollow one, it tends to be more resistant to the destructive squash vine borer. We can’t wait to share these delicious squashes with you!

Currently in Season at the Farm Stand: Tomatoes (last week for these!), Hot and Sweet Peppers, Eggplant, Okra, Amaranth Greens, Cucumbers, Korean Melons, Arava Melons, Zucchini, Bulb Onions, Basil, and Lemongrass.