Monitoring Winter Squashes & Expanding Farm Club
Village Farm Team,
A combination of pests and excess moisture has proved to be too much for some of our winter squash varieties to bear. We lost a number of our gourds save for a few that weren’t damaged by pickleworms. The carnival squash and butternuts were nearly decimated as well though we we’ve been able to save several beautiful specimens. Our tatume and spaghetti squashes appear to be doing quite well so we will be monitoring them frequently from here on out and harvesting as they ripen. Did you know that it’s beneficial to leave at least an inch of stem attached to winter squashes once they’re harvested? This helps to prevent rot from moving down into the center of the squash from the stem end.

We cleared a portion of our sunn hemp cover crop next to our existing Farm Club plots in order to build out more We’re currently waiting on the soil to dry out a bit so that we can efficiently build and shape the beds. In the meantime, we are accepting applications in advance of our Farm Club re-launch in November! There will be several spots available for Harvest Green residents so if you’ve been pondering joining this awesome club feel free to fill out an application here.

This Saturday we’ll be selling our farm fresh veggies at the Outrun Hunger 5K hosted by Harvest Green. This first annual event will benefit the East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry. Participants will be able to walk or run the course set up along the Harvest Green trails. We’ll have a table set up at the after party with eggplant, peppers, herbs, squash blossoms, and tons of okra available!

It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to Farm Educator Adam. Adam will be re-locating to Colorado in order to be closer to his family and pursue his interests in carpentry. Though he’s transitioning to this new field, he’s still adamant about his passion for urban agriculture. We’ll miss his kind disposition and remarkable ability to build anything we need around the farm. Adam will be around this weekend so feel free to stop by and wish him luck!

Happy Harvesting,
The Agmenity Farm Team
Words & Photos by Courtney West