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Farm Feed
Preparing for Spring
Village Farm Team, Now that some time has passed since the freeze we’ve been able to discern which crops are worth trimming and which...
The First Cauliflower of the Season
Village Farm Team, You’re looking at the first head of cauliflower to be harvested this season! Though the leaves of our cauliflower have...
The First Freeze of the Season
Village Farm Team, We spent the beginning of this week preparing for the first freeze of the season. This included harvesting the last of...
The First Mustard Green Harvest of the Season
Village Farm Team, Remember the beds we were renovating last week in preparation for more cool season veggies? We direct-seeded them with...
Harvesting Baby Greens & Sweet Potatoes
Village Farm Team, Remember the bok choy, mizuna, and Hakurei turnips we planted in our raised beds over by the model homes a few weeks...
Practicing Adaptability & Seeding Tomatoes
Village Farm Team, Farming is always a practice in adaptability. Whether it’s changes in our climate or shifting vegetable demands from...
Mid-December on the Farm
Village Farm Team, We're treating you to a visual update this week so you can see the various colors and textures of the veggies we have...
Continuing with Cool Season Planting & Transplanting Onions
Village Farm Team, We’ve been removing silage tarps this week so we can continue with cool season planting. This week we planted...
Harvesting Tulsi Basil Seeds
Village Farm Team, Our tulsi basil patch succumbed to the freezing temperatures last week. Since we planted it in order to attract...
Mid-November on the Farm
We're treating you to a visual update this week so you can see the very green transition we're making on the farm as we get all manner of...
Village Farm Events
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