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Farm Feed

Kohlrabi Fritters with Hemp Seed & Kohlrabi Greens Pesto
I love vegetables like kohlrabi that have multiple components. Not only do you get to eat the crunchy stem, but the leaves as well! In...

Harvesting Brassicas & Preparing for Chef Fest
Village Farm Team, Our purple graffiti cauliflower and belstar broccoli have been swiftly growing since first producing their heads. Due...

Harvesting Greens & Planning for Summer Crops
Village Farm Team, Last week we noticed the first crowns on our purple graffiti cauliflower, and this week, our belstar broccoli is...

Beet, Orange, & Fennel Salad
It’s rare that I eat beets without the fresh and bright contrast of citrus. They complement each other so well! For this salad, the...

Cauliflower Crowning & Hens Roosting
Village Farm Team, Though the hard freeze was weeks ago, it can take a little extra TLC and time before knowing whether or not a crop has...

Filling in Cover Crops & Monitoring for Predator Damage
Village Farm Team, The team ordered thirty pounds of New Zealand White Clover seeds this week to plant as a cover crop on the North Farm...

Planting Grapevines & Monitoring Crops for Freeze Damage
Village Farm Team, Last Saturday for Farm Fun Day, the focus was excavating holes in the vineyard in preparation for our new grapevines....

Weathering the Hard Freeze
Village Farm Team, Though the crops we currently have planted are colder weather varieties meant to withstand freezing temperatures, a...

Ginger Pickled Root Veggies
Winter is a time for slowing down and eating more comforting foods. As we tend to move less and eat a little more than we would in say...

Roasted Broccoli Quinoa Salad
When preparing meals for the week, grain salads are an easy go-to. They’re like a heartier version of the typical garden salad but in the...
Village Farm Events
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