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Farm Feed

Seeding Cool Weather Crops & Harvesting Okra
Village Farm Team, We seeded our first round of cool weather crops earlier this week! We planted a variety of brassicas like broccoli and...

Late Summer Scenes
Village Farm Team, Our crops are awash with new blooms and quickly growing veggies so rather than try to explain to you how beautiful it...

The First Eggplant Harvest & Growing Seedless Watermelons
Village Farm Team, The past few weeks we’ve been working hard at planting cooler weather crops and maintaining the warmer weather crops...

Summer Scenes: Volume II
Village Farm Team, As you've probably noticed, it's been an incredibly hot week! We've got another visual update for you this week while...

Summer Scenes: Volume I
Village Farm Team, We thought we would treat you to a visual tour of the farm this week while we continue our Summer II planting! Since...

New Tools & Summer II Planting Continues
Village Farm Team, We installed a new implement on our BCS tractor this past week to facilitate bed shaping. Not only does it improve our...

Summer II Planting & Integrating our Chicks
Village Farm Team, We’re currently transitioning to Summer II planting on the farm. The existing melons and cucumbers were turned over...

Chopped Cucumber Summer Salad
I’ve reached the point in the summer when the will to turn on either the oven or stove is lost. I’m sure you can relate, especially with...

Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Spinach Pesto
As much as I love pasta, it can sometimes feel a little too heavy in the middle of summer. Spaghetti squash makes a great pasta stand-in...

Oranges and Figs and Tulsi, Oh My!
Village Farm Team, At least once a week we walk the citrus orchard to check on the progress of our trees and their fruit. Citrus trees...
Village Farm Events
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