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Farm Feed

A New Team Member & Harvesting Radishes
Village Farm Team, We’re delighted to introduce our newest Farm Educator Lockey! His vast experience with agriculture has been shaped by...

Mowing Down Sunn Hemp & Cleaning Herb Boxes
Village Farm Team, The remaining sunn hemp has just about reached optimal nitrogen fixation in the soil so we’re preparing to mow it down...

Transplanting Cool Season Crops & Seeding Radishes
Village Farm Team, Our swiftly growing heads of Chinese cabbage were joined by other cool season crops like red cabbage and mustard...

The First Spaghetti Squash & a Sunn Hemp Maze
Village Farm Team, We made the first harvest of spaghetti squash this past week! Like butternut squash, spaghetti squash is a variety of...

Harvesting Cucumbers & Experimenting with Beneficial Nematodes
Village Farm Team, We made the first harvest of our second succession of cucumbers this week! We’ve got the Max Pack pickling variety...

Early September on the Farm
Village Farm Team, We're treating you to a visual update today so you can see the colorful intersection we find ourselves in between...

Seeding Root Veggies & Transplanting Chinese Cabbage
Village Farm Team, We seeded the first round of root veggies in our planter boxes this week! Since it’s a bit harder to grow and harvest...

The Multiple Uses of Sunn Hemp & a New Tulsi Patch
Village Farm Team, Sunn hemp is hands-down our favorite warm weather cover crop. This summer we’ve been exploring its multiple uses. The...

Seeding for Fall
Village Farm Team, These long, hot days of August thus far have been spent pining for fall as we seed our cooler season crops. The first...

Summer Scenes
Village Farm Team, With so much growth happening on the farm at the moment, we thought we would treat you to a visual update this week!...
Village Farm Events
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