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Farm Feed

Harvesting Four Varieties of Kale
We’ve got not one, not two, but four different varieties of kale in season on the farm! If you look at the photo below, from left to...

Harvesting Salad Mix and Transplanting Beets
This week we’re harvesting a few more crops from our HVF (High Velocity Farming) rows: a beautifully tender salad mix, Sora radishes,...

Harvesting Dragon's Tongue Beans and Arugula
Our Dragon’s Tongue beans are coming in along with our green beans! Lucky for us, our climate allows for both a spring and fall planting...

October 16th Farmers Market
Our next Farmers Market takes place this Saturday, October 16th from 8am to noon! We highly encourage kids and adults alike to dress up...

Experimenting with New Crop Varieties for Fall
Remember all of the new fall crop varieties we shared in this post? We transplanted them this weekend in our newly renovated bed system...

Harvesting Sweet Peppers & Planting Cover Crops
Our fall succession of sweet peppers is starting to mature, giving up small yields both last week and this week. This fall we’re growing...

Implementing a New Cropping System and Planting Fall Crops
We’re in the process of implementing a new cropping system on part of the farm that we’re calling “HVF”, or High Velocity Farming. This...

Preparing for Fall's Arrival
The first succession of fall radishes is almost ready for harvest! We harvested a few baby radishes to check their progress and it looks...

The Calm After the Storm
We hope you're faring well after Hurricane Nicholas! We've got another visual update this week for you so that we can assess the state of...

Soaking up the Last Days of Summer
The last of our summer crops have been planted and the greenhouse is full of germinating fall crops that will eventually make their way...
Village Farm Events
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